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We took the Grand boys fishing again yesterday. This time we went on the drift boat. They lost interest after a short bit. It was quite hot. But, we did catch some fish, a few of which were perch. Robby wanted to eat fish so we kept the three perch and brought them home for supper. Brian filleted them, then fried them up in a little butter and garlic. They were quite good, but there was very little. The boys were asking for more. Guess we will have to get more (like 5 times as many!) next time.

I am 51 years old. Today I feel like I am just one year old. Anyone ever have that feeling?

Though I don’t remember when I was one year old, I can only imagine the joy and surprise my parents experienced when I took my first steps.

Well, I am feeling that joy for my own self right now. I took my first steps by myself without crutches. I haven’t done that since January 8th. I still have a ways to go, but it’s exciting for me. Of course, the sap that I am, I’ve shed a few tears.

Ziva was excited for me also. Haha.

This is an incredible journey. I am learning lots about myself. I’m also learning that I have an incredible tribe who love me enough to pray for me and continuously encourage me. That includes my wonderful husband and supportive family.

Most importantly of all, I have this Awesome God, my Heavenly Father, who has been with me through all of this. He is my biggest cheerleader. I can’t wait to see what else He has in store. Good or bad, He always is right there.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement along this journey. They mean so much.

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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